Faculty Secretariat

In the faculty secretariat, we are responsible – through our operations and development activities – for supporting the faculty’s and the University of Copenhagen’s three core tasks: Research, education and knowledge dissemination. Our work is defined by the faculty secretariat’s values and the rules governing the performance of public administration tasks in society in general and at UCPH.

We undertake our work in close collaboration with the rest of the SCIENCE and UCPH administrations, academic staff and students, the management and our partners. We enjoy the trust of the management and take pride in developing and delivering solutions of the greatest possible benefit to the organisation and the core tasks.

We want to make a difference. Therefore, we focus on

  • attracting, developing and retaining employees with the skills and expertise needed to create efficient, innovative and carefully considered solutions
  • having the necessary flexibility, courage and decision-making power in the allocation of resources to guarantee that our knowledge, skills and expertise as well as our financial resources generate the greatest possible value
  • developing an efficient and respected organisation capable of delivering stable and reliable management and administrative services, while being curious, courageous and visionary in the execution of its tasks
  • providing a physical and psychological working environment characterised by good physical facilities and trusting working relations, both internally and across the organisation
  • enjoying considerable flexibility in our working lives, on freedom with responsibility and on a high level of employee participation

The Faculty Secretariat is headed by Acting Faculty Director Claus Aagaard Thomsen and comprises 5 administrative units:


SCIENCE Research and Innovation is the faculty unit responsible for research and innovation, as well as the secretariat for the PhD school and student innovation and entrepreneurship.

The unit advises and assists sections and researchers, as well as management, in relation to applications for internal, external and international funding. The unit also provides assistance to department based researchers and administrative staff in both application and contract phases. Visit the Researcher Portal on KUnet to find out more about the unit, get help with your application, browse current calls from various councils and foundations, as well as find helpful information about writing workshops and informational meetings

Trine Buhl Monty is head of the office.

Read more about SCIENCE Research and Innovation



In SCIENCE Study Administration, we set great pride in supporting the whole field of education at the faculty in a competent and flexible manner. This applies to our day-to-day administration and operation as well as to our facilitation and contribution to the development in this field.

Throughout the academic year, we are ready to support

  • the students in their different paths through their study programme
  • the academic environments in their organisation and planning of teaching, exams, study start, continuing and further education etc.
  • the faculty management and study boards when we are to lay down the framework for, develop and quality assure the field of education.

We perform our tasks in an ongoing dialogue with the academic environments, the faculty management, the different decision-makers, committees, councils and boards – and obviously the students. We also work closely with and exchange knowledge with UCPH’s other faculties, the Central Administration and other universities about the development in the field of education. 

SCIENCE Study Administration is managed by Director of Studies Karen Rønnow

The 4 sections in SCIENCE Study Administration

Our tasks in SCIENCE Study Administration are distributed on five sections, each with principal responsibility and special competences within their respective specialist areas: 

  • Study Administration Section (SSA) performs efficient and qualified administration of the courses of study of all BSc, MSc and part-time students throughout the cycle of their study programme – right from when they are enrolled and until they can celebrate having obtained their diploma.
    See an overview of employees in SSA

  • Study Board Section (SSN) supports SCIENCE’s study boards and heads of studies in their tasks and performs professional and efficient processing of cases ranging right from credit transfer to exemptions – always with focus on the students’ legal rights and equal treatment.
    See an overview of employees in SSN

  • Student Life and Guidance Section (SSV) supports students at SCIENCE in finding energy, well-being and direction – both in their student life and in the important transition to working life. This is achieved through, among other services, professional and motivational guidance, web communication and study events, and by gathering and sharing knowledge in this area.
    See an overview of employees in SSK

  • Management Secretariat (LED) provides competent management services based on a solid knowledge foundation. The section also helps lecturers incorporate new methods and digital tools in their teaching. 
    See an overview of employees in LED



SCIENCE Secretariat, Communication and Policy promotes the development of an efficient, coherent and clearly profiled Faculty whose study programmes and research help to solve the challenges facing society.

SCIENCE Secretariat, Communication and Policy promotes the development of an efficient, coherent and clearly profiled Faculty whose study programmes and research help to solve the challenges facing society. We are an office with a broad interface and a close collaboration with colleagues at the departments and in the Faculty Secretariat, the rest of UCPH as well as external parties.


In the Management Secretariat, we serve the Dean, the Associate Deans and the Faculty Director, who make up the Faculty’s overall management. However, we also handle a number of tasks that are to benefit both operations and development in the entire Faculty:

  • Implementation of UCPH’s strategy for SCIENCE
  • Project management in strategic and interdisciplinary organisational and development projects
  • Service and secretarial assistance for a number of management and collaboration forums
  • Legal advice for departments and the management
  • Coordination and planning of collaboration with key stakeholders, including supporting international strategic commitments.

The head of Secretariat is Lise Walsted Kristiansen.


Communication is responsible for the joint communication at the Faculty. Overall, our tasks fall within the following areas:

  • Recruitment of students for Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes as well as bridge-building between municipal primary and
  • lower secondary school and university
  • Research communication and press work
  • Web communication – website, intranet and social media
  • Internal communication – newsletters, management communication and info screens
  • Communication consultancy and sparring for management and employees
  • Joint branding initiatives at the University of Copenhagen.

The head of Communication is Birgitte Lyhne Broksø.


Policy works to develop and maintain strong relations with private companies, public corporations, government agencies and foundations, support international strategic commitments and safeguard national and international interests. The section ensures stronger coordination of the Faculty’s interaction with the corporate sector, including improved internal utilisation of the knowledge generated in the interaction with businesses, organisations and government agencies.

The section is also responsible for implementing UCPH’s strategy at the Faculty of Science as well as developing and implementing continuing and further education offerings for external partners.

The head of Policy is Charlotte Elisabeth Fischer.

The head of the office is Claus Thomsen.

Read more about SCIENCE Secretariat, Communication and Policy



The acting head of SCIENCE Finance is Peter Dyrsting. SCIENCE Finance is an administrative unit at the SCIENCE Faculty Secretariat. SCIENCE Finance consists of two sections: the Budget Section, and the Accounting Section.

SCIENCE Finance is located on the first floor of the main building at Bülowsvej 17, 1870 Frederiksberg C. 

Budget Section

The Budget Section draws up the Faculty’s overall budget, conducts budget follow-up, is responsible for internal distribution of grants to departments and other grant holders and carries out control of grant funding and provides advice to the Faculty’s grant holders in questions related to handling of funds. The Budget Section is responsible for preparing the Faculty’s management information and various financial analyses, strategy papers, contract management and procurement.

The acting head of section is Anders Halckendorff.

Employees in the Budget Section 

Accounting Section

The Accounting Section is responsible for ensuring correct and timely processing of purchase and sales invoices, control of travel expense reimbursements, transfers, registrations, balancing cash and bank accounts, etc. with a view to ensuring that the Faculty’s accounting figures are accurate and can be used as a basis for the total financial management.

The head of section is Marianne Libak Hansen.

Employees in the Accounting Section 

Arctic Station Council

Furthermore, SCIENCE Finance performs secretarial duties for the Arctic Station Council.



SCIENCE HR performs recruitment on behalf of the Deanery that includes the recruitment of permanent assistant professors, associate professors, professors, associate deans and department heads. The unit also advises in relation to recruitment procedures, staff development programmes and skills development.

We have specialised legal competencies for legal interpretation, advising and dismissals in relation to the institution. We also have special qualifications for advising in relation to staff related challenges confronted by management.

SCIENCE HR manages the faculty’s pay policy, personnel policies, etc. in accordance with the University of Copenhagen’s personnel policy guidelines.

We communicate and coordinate with the university’s central administration with regards to general issues, and with faculty departments and administrative centres with regards to the development and implementation of initiatives.

Read more about SCIENCE HR