Councils, committees and boards
A number of councils, committees and boards at the Faculty contribute to ensuring consultancy, co-involvement and dialogue regarding academic, research and education and administrative issues.
The purpose of the SCIENCE Administration Forum is to ensure that the Faculty's general administration and organisation are developed in a coordinated manner and following a joint strategy. Through coordination, standardisation and knowledge-sharing, the Forum must ensure sound and efficient administration and appropriate cooperation between the administration centres/department administrations and the Faculty Secretariat.
The purpose of the Advisory Board is to provide the Faculty Management with direct sparring, criticism and advice from important stakeholders in the business community, organisations etc. The management presents SCIENCE's strategies, activities and plans for education, research, innovation, public-sector consultancy, business cooperation and dissemination and receives advice on the strategies and outlines of the activities.
Contact: Claus Thomsen, Head of Staff Team
According to the Danish University Act, the Academic Council has some general tasks and some more specific tasks. The Council provides advice to the Dean about the internal distribution of grants, the central strategic research and education fields and plans for knowledge exchange.
Contact: Susanne Weibel
The Communication Committee coordinates the Faculty's communication activities. Its members are communication employees at department and faculty level.
Through targeted dialogue with the Faculty, the Faculty's employer panels must contribute to ensuring the quality and relevance of the study programmes, including building bridges between the educational area and the labour market.
(See the Employer panels at SCIENCE - in Danish)
The Working Environment Committee coordinates the working environment activities at SCIENCE.
Contact: Mette Maribo Høgsbro, Safety Manager
The Faculty Research Committee is charged with providing advice to the Deputy Head of Department of research and the rest of the Faculty's management on existing and future research activities. The Committee is a forum for the dialogue between the Faculty Management and the employees on research-related issues.
Contact: Pia Fredberg Nielsen, Senior Adviser
The Faculty Innovation and Entrepreneurship Committee has representatives from SCIENCE’s 12 institutes, the SCIENCE Innovation Hub and the faculty’s management. The chairman is associate dean for Private and Public Sector Services. The committee’s task is to contribute to increased innovation and entrepreneurship in the faculty’s research, education and external relations, as well as to advise the faculty’s management on these topics.
Contact: Senior Consultant Pia Fredberg Nielsen
The Collaboration Committee contributes to promoting the development of the cooperation between employees and management. The Committee discusses general issues relating to work and staff issues, major reorganisation projects, supplementary training activities and employee development as well as the Faculty's financial situation.
Contact: Claus Thomsen, Head of Office
The general purpose of the Faculty's Teaching Committee is to provide advice to the Faculty's and the departments' management on all issues relating to the departments' responsibility for teaching that are relevant at an interdisciplinary level.
Contact: Betina Kongsbak, Deputy Head
The PhD Committee is appointed by the Rector of the University and consists of representatives from the academic staff (senior researchers) and PhD student representatives. The Committee collaborates closely with the Head of the PhD School and is responsible for the academic management of the PhD School of Science.
Read more about the PhD Committee at SCIENCE
The Faculty's Management Team aims to ensure coherent management at the Faculty. The Management Team consists of the Faculty management and the heads of department. Through information, discussions and decisions, it is charged with ensuring coherence and coordination across the Faculty.
Contact: Claus Thomsen, Head of Office
The Associate Deans of education engage in a regular dialogue with selected representatives of the students on behalf of the Dean under the name of the SCIENCE Dialogue Forum. The primary tasks of the Dialogue Forum are: 1. to ensure a close relation between students and management; and 2. to strive to provide the best possible framework for the study environment and culture.
Contact: Gitte Henchel Madsen, Deputy Head
The heads of studies are responsible for the practical organization of teaching, tests and other assessments that are part of examinations. This is done in collaboration ved the study board.
(See a list of Heads of Studies at SCIENCE - in Danish)
The SCIENCE Digitalisation Council is an advisory body set up to help exploit the many opportunities afforded by digitalisation through visionary proposals and recommendations. This work applies to research, academic programmes, career preparedness, communications and administrative operations. The Council will also contribute to ensure that the faculty makes all necessary digital investments.
The primary aim of the Council/Board is to focus on the shaping of our academic programmes to ensure that we remain at the digital forefront without losing sight of the university’s core activities: research, research-based programmes and external collaboration.
Contact: Kathrine Stenderup-Jensen
The study boards must ensure the organisation, realisation and development of education and teaching.
(See the Study boards at SCIENCE - in Danish)