The management handles current and important cases within research, education, private-sector and public-sector cooperation and dissemination in general. All major development projects, undertaken at a central level in the Faculty, must be approved by the management. The Dean makes the final decision on all cases in the Faculty.
The Dean
The Faculty's Dean is the head of the Faculty; she reports to the Rector and is responsible for the Faculty's general development and finances. The Dean is in charge of the academic development and must ensure that the Faculty conducts excellent research, provides top-quality education and provides well-functioning dissemination.

Associate Deans
The Associate Deans represent the Dean in relation to three of the Faculty's core tasks: Research, education and private-sector and public-sector cooperation. The Associate Deans, the Dean and the Faculty Director are the Faculty's management.

Andreas de Neergaard
Associate Dean for Education
See the research profile for Andreas de Neergaard

Lise Arleth
Associate Dean for Research
See the research profile for Lise ArlethLise Arleth
Faculty Director
The Faculty Director is head of the Faculty Secretariat and acts as liaison between the Faculty Secretariat and the departments' administrative management.