Good Scientific Practice

The research conducted at SCIENCE must be of a high quality and credibility. One step in creating credible, high quality research is to meet the principles of good scientific and ethical practice.

Principles for good scientific practice at SCIENCE
SCIENCES wishes to comply with the international values and standards of good scientific practice and joins The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity:



These overall principles together with the Vancouver rules for authorship make up the guidelines for good scientific practice at SCIENCE.

Since research is increasingly being conducted by research groups that are often composed across traditional scientific disciplines it is of the utmost importance that you always pay attention to qualification for co-authorship. This is among the reasons why SCIENCE has appointed two 'named persons' who among other things will counsel regarding uncertainties concerning the conduct of research, hereunder co-authorships.

Efficient and secure handling of research data is of of crucial importance in order to support world class research and is furthermore an important part of good scientific practice.