The spirit at SCIENCE
Informal social conventions
The social conventions at SCIENCE are very informal. You will find that your supervisor regards you as a colleague, maybe a less experienced colleague, but a colleague. You are expected to contribute to the research group on equal terms with other colleagues - but as a PhD student you get support to develop as a researcher. Your supervisor will also expect you to listen to the advice you get and to engage in discussions about it with him or her.
International research environment
All institutions have their own culture, and so does SCIENCE. However, the culture and social environment at SCIENCE are also characterized by inputs and interactions from the many international researchers. Sometimes to a degree where it becomes difficult to learn Danish because everyone around you speaks English!
Focus on external collaboration
Research at SCIENCE is mainly applied research with strong bonds to the users and the industry. This implies that the researchers have very good collaboration with national and international partners, ranging from foreign universities to industry and public service. SCIENCE is open to the outside World, and as a PhD student you can benefit from this by building strong networks for your future career.
Ample resources and commitment
Research education is a priority at SCIENCE. Resources are allocated to develop high quality research training, and staffs working with research education are highly motivated and engaged (and that goes for both the scientific and the administrative staff). The results are high completion rates, short completion time and many international, peer reviewed publications from PhD students!