Core Narratives
The Universe 
Curiosity has always driven us to understand the world we live in and the universe that surrounds us. At SCIENCE, we address the big questions. We seek answers to deep cosmological questions of how the entire universe emerged, how conditions for life were formed, and whether there can be extra-terrestrial life. We try to understand the natural forces, interactions and symmetries of the universe on all scales of time and space. This ranges from the fundamental elementary particles from which it is built, to molecules and matter, earth sciences and cosmology. We use and develop mathematics as the fundamental language to write and understand the laws of nature.
Natural sciences are rooted in our persistent curiosity and pursuit of knowledge, and the thousand-year-old striving of Homo sapiens to understand the world around us has brought us to the advanced technological stage we are at today.
At SCIENCE, we safeguard free and independent, fundamental research, and engage in purely curiosity-driven research, where the applications may not be apparent, as well as in research that provides concrete solutions to the complex challenges that humanity faces. We support excellent and highly flexible research environments and use these as the basis for the education of future generations.
A fundamental approach of our research is to develop new theoretical and experimental methods that allow us to challenge current paradigms. This includes new advanced instruments and computational methods to simulate and understand the world around us. To contribute to, and ensure, access to state-of-the-art experimental equipment, we engage actively in a broad range of major large-scale international experiments and collaborations, for example in astrophysics, materials physics and chemistry, organic and biological chemistry as well as in particle physics.
At SCIENCE, we study the development and expansion of the universe from the time it was dominated by elementary particles to the formation of galaxies and planets in distant solar systems and on Earth.
Our study of the Earth's composition and geology involves investigating the fundamental building blocks and emergence of life, identifying the factors that support sustainable ecosystems, and examining the accessibility and constraints of natural resources. We recognise that there are limits to what ecological systems can be expected to provide in meeting diverse human needs and desires, that natural resources are limited, and that living well within local and planetary boundaries requires knowledge and care.
Our research in materials and molecules uncovers their structure, the interactions between molecules, their reactions in solutions, in the gas phase or on surfaces, as well as their interaction with light and electromagnetic fields. We use our knowledge to design and produce functional molecules and metal complexes, or to refine and modify the biomolecules of nature, such as enzymes.
We conduct research into quantum science that increases our understanding of the smallest particles that our universe consists of. This allows novel possibilities in the manipulation of quantum states that may lead to revolutionary quantum technologies that will fundamentally affect science and society.
We use and develop mathematics as the language in which the laws of nature are written and as the tool that makes it possible to discover natural laws and convert them into qualitative and quantitative descriptions. Number theory and geometry often find surprising applications, for example in cryptography and the understanding of the structure of molecules and minerals, and thus of the universe.
A Living Planet
Humankind has always tried to understand life and how it emerged and evolved on our planet. At SCIENCE, we study all aspects of life and its building blocks, in all dimensions of time, space and scale, from atoms and molecules, cells and organisms, to populations and societies. We aim to gain an overview of the full diversity of life and an insight into how we can safeguard it for both people and the planet we inhabit.
At SCIENCE, we build our research on excellence in physics, chemistry and biology, along with the interactions between them, to investigate how various forms of life are manifested. In a time of rapid global change, that heavily affects the species and ecosystems on this planet, we study current and prehistoric organisms at all levels of the tree of life and build lasting research collections. We develop and use methods ranging from taxonomy and ecology to advanced statistical and computational methods covering the entire biological toolbox. To gain deeper insights and maximize impact, we work across disciplines and national borders, and we engage with all stakeholders through citizen science and collaborations with industry and public organisations.
SCIENCE trains future generations of transformative thinkers in the life sciences and beyond, for the benefit of science and society. Using our strong scientific understanding, we engage in current societal debates about major topics in our area such as land use, biodiversity, climate change, and the origins of diseases. We aim to deliver insights, mechanisms, and products for driving change.
To understand the origins, diversity, and mechanisms of life, we explore the natural world spanning from rainforests to polar environments, from the most remote areas on the planet to cities and urban centres. We contribute to the international effort to document all living species and understand all levels of biodiversity from genes and species to entire ecosystems and biomes. From the beginning of life through to the ecological interactions of the present day. We examine past and present climates and environments and build models to predict the future of life on this planet. We study the properties of the molecules of life, such as proteins, DNA, fat and carbohydrates and use this knowledge to engineer new functional molecules.
To push our boundaries of understanding life on this planet, we require new tools for discovering and measuring what is currently impossible to study. At SCIENCE, we develop methods, equipment and tools that allow us to answer previously elusive questions. From building and digitising biodiversity and geological collections, to subjecting them to novel techniques for studying and understanding an array of phenomena from tiny molecular structures to new ways of mapping coastal changes in Arctic landscapes, the range of activities is vast.
To secure the existence of life on this planet, we are profoundly engaged in solving global challenges and delivering targeted solutions. A core area of research is in climate-friendly aquatic, food and material systems. We know that we cannot base the biogenic production systems of the future by using the production systems of today without causing severe damage to the environment. We expect that plant genomics, crop science, aquaculture, green and sustainable chemistry will provide a range of new solutions for the future. A molecular and biochemical understanding of raw materials, food and material quality and functionality, consumer science, nutritional metabolomics, along with life cycle assessment are all pieces in the puzzle of understanding future impacts on human health and climate change.
A Sustainable Future 
For decades, the problem of climate change has been described, monitored and understood through basic scientific investigations. The consequences are serious changes to the world as we know it. Consequences that lead to changed living conditions, changed land- and oceans use and a changed framework for nature, society, agriculture and forestry. Loss of biodiversity continues at an alarming rate. Disasters such as drought, flooding and famine occur with increasing frequency and severity. We foresee that all of this will have a serious impact on our society.
The recognition of these problems has led to an increased global awareness and political agreement on a green climate target in Denmark. However, we still lack answers and solutions to many of the problems we face, that will enable us to design sustainable solutions for the future. As a part of this, we need to clarify our scope for action and understand the costs that the different measures entail. Only through doing this can we strike a better balance between increasing pressure on ecological systems and consideration for the living conditions of future generations.
At SCIENCE, we contribute with research-based solutions to the green transition that will need to take place on land and to the equally important blue transition that is necessary for the long-term sustainability of life in the oceans. The interaction between fundamental and applied research constitutes the core of our approach, in which the interplay between natural science, social science and society is key. SCIENCE researchers collaborate across disciplines with researchers, companies and institutions from both Denmark and abroad. This collaboration is essential in finding long-term solutions to global
challenges that will safeguard the living conditions of future generations. One of our most important contributions to the green transition takes place through the students we train in our research-based degree programmes. We ensure that our students receive multifaceted insights into sustainability. This is of vital importance to the next generation of developers, administrators and decision-makers. Our graduates will be part of companies, society and politics. They must stand on a
foundation of solid academic standards and expertise while also focusing on change and new insights. Hence, we also conduct research on the optimal methods of educating the coming generations.
SCIENCE covers areas of expertise related to climate and sustainability in the broadest sense. Our research into climate ranges from environmental science and resource economics, recreational, climate-responsive use of urban spaces, to the importance of living conditions and societal development in the Global South. From the investigation of economic incentive schemes, such as CO2 taxes, to research on how aerosol formation in the atmosphere affects the climate, our research is broad, it enables the development of green energy and forms the basis for sustainable use of land and ocean resources.
We provide crucial insights into the compromises that a sustainable future must entail, for example, between environmental effects and productivity in agriculture and in aquaculture, forestry and fisheries. We contribute to the development of a broad range of technological, regulatory and biological solutions aimed at achieving the desired reductions in nutrients and greenhouse gas emissions, increased carbon capture, storage and recycling, efficient utilisation of biomass to the development of brand-new materials that are operational as effective catalysts in Power-to-X. The climate challenge is global, and the solutions must therefore be cohesive, holistic and usable worldwide. We contribute to knowledge about how various social groups may best adapt to and remedy the climate change that is occurring, as well as how societies can mediate the fundamental drivers of climate change and the many associated challenges. SCIENCE has in-depth academic insight and an understanding of large-scale global perspectives. Both are necessary when contributing to creating a sustainable future for humanity.
A Healthy Life 
A healthy life should be a possibility for all humans but is a global challenge.
Climate change harms human health, through air pollution, disease, extreme weather events, forced displacement, pressures on mental health, and increased hunger and poor nutrition in places where people cannot grow or find sufficient food. Meeting the world's increasing demand for food in a sustainable way requires a radical rethinking of our food production systems, including the integration of new, sustainable food sources. Low-income countries grapple with undernourishment while high-income countries face a rise in lifestyle-related illnesses.
Personal and family health is challenged by child mortality in some regions, epidemics in others and worldwide by pandemics and non-communicable diseases that are linked to the ageing world population. Altered regional demographics significantly challenge health care systems and treatment possibilities that are unequally distributed. Unequal access to a healthy life contributes to instability.
Securing a healthy life for all requires innovative approaches to personal and systemic preventive measures, treatment of diseases and sustainable food production to obtain a healthier and more equitable future for all of humankind.
At SCIENCE, we work to understand and solve these problems at multiple levels, from the molecular, cellular, and organismal, to household, cultural, and societal levels. We conduct research that has important direct and indirect effects on human health, ranging from climate impact, air- and water quality, innovative physical principles, basic physiological function and molecular mechanisms of disease, to human habits and foods of the future.
At SCIENCE we pursue a holistic approach to personal health, including nutritional aspects, habits such as exercise, the built environment as well as interactions between physical and mental health. Importantly, our research covers a broad range from a basic mechanistic understanding of cell function to complex interactions between heritage and environment. We explore the basic molecular mechanisms in health and disease, and we design and test innovative treatments and solutions, by means of state-of-the-art methods ranging from studies in whole humans and animals, cellular model systems, to mathematical algorithms, chemical analyses, and genome studies.
At SCIENCE, we train our students in research-based degree programmes that provide them with in-depth academic insights and equip them to drive and shape preventive measures and methodologies of tomorrow.
At SCIENCE, we have wide partnerships, both nationally and internationally, with academia, industry, and relevant stakeholders in the wide range of disciplines that work to safeguard the health of the future.
SCIENCE contributes to the healthy life of the future through multiple lines of research. In a global context, climate-friendly, healthy foods and diets are developed via our research throughout the food value chain. Key areas of interest include plants, insects, and aquatic animals and usage of green and nutritionally efficient processing technologies as well as the physiological effects of food. Moreover, the interaction between health and environment is addressed by innovative solutions for air cleaning as well as the design of urban environments for human healthy living. In a personalized context, physical activity along with prevention and treatment of diseases are in focus from a molecular perspective to societal understanding.
A Digital World
We do not know the future, but we know that for over half a century the digital revolution has transformed society and our understanding of the world in unpredictable ways. We expect that this digital development will continue at a fast pace. If handled correctly and responsibly, this will increasingly strengthen the basis for our general welfare including our health, safety, and security.
At SCIENCE, we want to shape the future and pave the way for the next digital breakthroughs. We study the fundamentals of computing including the technology and languages on which all
computations are built as well as how new digital technologies can reach far into all parts of society. We conduct research into responsible digitalisation technologies of the future, and into new principles and methods to generate, measure and collect data. We examine data processing, interpretation and applications while considering ethical and human factors. We develop new principles and methods for conducting research and for investigating how digitalisation influences our understanding of the world and creates new conditions for human interaction.
We make our mark on society through educating students and perceive the continued academic development of students and researchers in the digital field as an important path towards strengthening and influencing the wider digital development of society.
High-performance data processing and computer simulations are standard tools for most disciplines at SCIENCE. We continuously work to bring researchers from different fields of study, with an interest in this discipline, together to ensure strong knowledge sharing and a foundation for our participation in major international and national collaborations and infrastructure.
Huge volumes of data combined with the development of new analytical methods provides new opportunities for identifying causal relationships. We exploit these opportunities across SCIENCE’s core areas, especially in climate, ecosystems and biodiversity research.
Human interaction with digital technologies is omnipresent, and new technologies such as the Internet of Things, Extended Reality and digital fabrication help link our analogue world more closely to the digital world. At SCIENCE, we are front-runners in research that exploits these opportunities and creates the future ground for relevant, user-friendly, and engaging information technology.
The history of the development of programming language technology shows its strength in the development of new languages for guiding artificial intelligence (AI) engines, performing high- performance computing and for coordinating contractual obligations within areas such as sustainable logistics and finance. Programming languages shape the way we think, therefore, SCIENCE engages in creating the foundations for constructing and reasoning about software; the components that constitute the basis of our digital society.
We contribute to developing the information technology of the future through our research into quantum information theory and quantum computers. The digitalisation of our society builds upon a deep mathematisation of its technical components (data structures, algorithms, security, automatization, etc.) for which new mathematics need to be developed if we want to make use of quantum computers. Our research ranges widely from the development of quantum technology in quantum computers to how algorithms are constructed to exploit their potential.
SCIENCE has a large and strong research environment that focuses on research and applications of artificial intelligence (AI), and we have made significant contributions in this area over the past decade. A central enabling factor has been the use of graphics cards for training so-called deep neural networks. Another factor is the huge investments made by large international companies in AI research. Together these factors have made AI a widely available and broadly applied tool. This means that tasks, such as interpreting satellite or X-ray images, recognising, analysing, and creating human text and speech, or predicting the structure and properties of proteins, have gone from being theoretical possibilities to being functional over a very short period of time. AI is, however, never smarter than the underlying learning material, and the responsible use of AI relies on a deep understanding of the context in which it is used. Therefore, SCIENCE also conducts research into the development of new methods and principles aimed at identifying and reducing undesired bias in the design of AI applications.