The acting head of SCIENCE Finance is Peter Dyrsting. SCIENCE Finance is an administrative unit at the SCIENCE Faculty Secretariat. SCIENCE Finance consists of two sections: the Budget Section, and the Accounting Section.

SCIENCE Finance is located on the first floor of the main building at Bülowsvej 17, 1870 Frederiksberg C. 

Budget Section

The Budget Section draws up the Faculty’s overall budget, conducts budget follow-up, is responsible for internal distribution of grants to departments and other grant holders and carries out control of grant funding and provides advice to the Faculty’s grant holders in questions related to handling of funds. The Budget Section is responsible for preparing the Faculty’s management information and various financial analyses, strategy papers, contract management and procurement.

The acting head of section is Anders Halckendorff.

Employees in the Budget Section 

Accounting Section

The Accounting Section is responsible for ensuring correct and timely processing of purchase and sales invoices, control of travel expense reimbursements, transfers, registrations, balancing cash and bank accounts, etc with a view to ensuring that the Faculty’s accounting figures are accurate and can be used as a basis for the total financial management.

The head of section is Marianne Libak Hansen.

Employees in the Accounting Section 

Arctic Station Council

Furthermore, SCIENCE Finance performs secretarial duties for the Arctic Station Council.