Large grant for world-class research in algorithms
Professor Mikkel Thorup from the Department of Computer Science receives a grant of DKK 29.5 million from the VILLUM foundation to continue his successful basic research centre, Basic Algorithms Research Copenhagen (BARC).

Copenhagen is home to some of the world's brilliant minds within algorithmics. Since the BARC research centre was established in 2017 with an initial grant of DKK 40 million from the VILLUM foundation, the centre's renowned researchers have time and again made mathematical breakthroughs and contributed with award-winning solutions to algorithmic problems.
Professor and Head of BARC, Mikkel Thorup, is delighted that the new VILLUM grant provides the opportunity to create the next scientific breakthroughs in algorithms.
- I am delighted that the VILLUM foundation places their trust in us to conduct our unpredictable, exploratory research. We venture into critical but poorly understood areas, striving for unexpected discoveries and breakthroughs, says Professor Mikkel Thorup.
He continues:
- This curiosity-driven approach proves to be highly productive for researchers with the right talent. However, many other foundations seek more projectable research, making the VILLUM foundation's support truly unique and invaluable.
Although the researchers at BARC can usually only guess what their research will be used for, several of their solutions have created great impact for industry. For example, Professor Mikkel Thorup's own work in inventing an algorithm that can significantly reduce the resource consumption of the world's computer servers has been adopted by large companies such as Vimeo and Google.
An ambitious environment
How many edges can you remove from a network before it breaks? What is the mathematical recipe for getting from A to B the fastest and most energy-efficiently? Can a computer calculate how we pack objects most optimally? How to connect a number of points in a graph without allowing the lines connecting them to cross?
The BARC Centre's researchers do not keep away from engaging in veritable brain teasers that others have been trying to solve for years.
- I am proud of the breakthroughs we have made and that we have succeeded in attracting talent from all over the world to Copenhagen. My ambition in founding BARC was to create a magnet for talent and development in algorithmics, and I think it is safe to say that we have succeeded, says Professor Mikkel Thorup.
According to the ranking list CSRankings, at the time of writing, the University of Copenhagen is in first place among the best universities in Europe measured by the number of top articles in algorithmics.
In addition, BARC has a strong tradition of attracting young talent, from undergraduate to PhD students, whose work have been awarded at some of the field's most recognized conferences.
- I would very much like to thank the entire steering group for a fantastic collaboration regarding the grant application - especially Helen Porter, Rasmus Pagh and our Research Support from the University of Copenhagen, as well as Thore Husfeldt and Nutan Lamaye from the IT University. One of the strengths of BARC is that it also involves researchers at the IT University of Copenhagen and thus creates synergy between the two institutions, says Professor Mikkel Thorup.
About BARC
Basic Algorithms Research Copenhagen (BARC) seeks fundamental understanding of the complexity of algorithmic problems, i.e., how computers can solve problems with minimal resources. The research is theoretical, but with a strong record for real-word impact. BARC attracts top talent from around the world to join their ambitious, creative, and collaborative environment.
By exploring high-impact areas with significant gaps in our understanding, BARC’s researchers strive to make surprising discoveries that challenge the status quo. For instance, random hash functions are integral to data analysis, but there are significant gaps between theoretical understanding and practical implementation. BARC’s mission is to bridge such divides and establish fundamental limits on algorithmic efficiency.
BARC is located at the Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, but it involves researchers from the IT University of Copenhagen as well. Visit BARC’s website to find more information about the centre.
About the VILLUM Investigator grant
The Villum Investigator programme provides grants of up to DKK 30 million to experienced and internationally renowned researchers already established in Denmark who conduct world-class research. The selected researchers, who are given the title Villum Investigators, get the opportunity to give their best ideas free reign at a Danish university. The program thus aims to attract some of the world's best researchers to Danish universities.
Mikkel Thorup
Professor, Head of BARC, Head of Section
Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen
+45 21 17 91 23
Caroline Wistoft
Communications consultant
Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen
+45 21 30 96 31