The changing Arctic

Participate in a research policy conference
The conference is being held at The Royal Library, The Black Diamond, Copenhagen on 13-14 March 2024.
The Arctic is changing; climate change is driving dramatic environmental changes, geopolitical developments are accelerating, and there is a growing desire among the population for development, well-being and security. If we want to ensure sustainable development centred on people and the environment, readjustment is needed – both in society and for the individual. Research has a key role to play here.
Knowledge for the benefit of sustainable development throughout the Danish Realm
Together, the universities want to formulate visions for how research can best support sustainable development in the Arctic. We want to create the best knowledge base and consultancy within the fields of security, the environment and society for the benefit of the Danish Realm as a whole.
Our desire for a sustainable Arctic means bringing our knowledge into play and making it available in new ways. As universities, we must work together to develop and optimise our collaboration within education and research, and devise new ways of using and translating research results into value!
A day of dialogue and knowledge exchange
To find out more about this development and its direction, we are inviting researchers, decision-makers, cooperation partners and students to contribute to the discussions at the conference, where experts on Arctic security, the Arctic environment and social conditions in the Arctic will bring their knowledge to bear through exciting panel discussions and focused breakout sessions.
On the first day, which will be held in Danish, the focus is on Arctic research policy, while the second day, which will take place in English, will focus on new potential research collaborations and funding opportunities. It is possible to participate on only the first or second day.
March 13. 2024 - in Danish
Moderator Mira Kleist
Tid | Aktivitet |
11.30-12.00 | Ankomst stående frokost | ||
12.00-12.10 12.10-12.30 |
Velkomst ved dekan Katrine Krogh Andersen, SCIENCE Københavns Universitet Visioner for arktisk forskning |
12.30-13.00 | Debat: Arktis i forandring – behov for politisk fokus Repræsentationschef Jóannes V. Hansen Færøerne Medlem af Inatsisartut Kuno Fencker Siumut Medlem af Folketinget Flemming Møller Mortensen S |
13.00-13.30 | Debat: Hvordan hænger arktisk forskning og forsvar sammen? Vicechef, brigadegeneral Poul Primdahl Arktisk Kommando Rektor Per Michael Johansen AAU |
13.30-14.00 | Pause |
Spor 1: Sikkerhed
Moderator: Mira Kleist
14.00-14.30 |
Oplæg: Militær balancering i Arktis, Seniorforsker Kristian Søby Kristensen, Københavns Universitet |
14.30-15.00 |
Debat Seniorforsker Ulrik Pram Gad DIIS Vicechef, brigadegeneral Poul Primdahl Arktisk Kommando |
15.00-15.30 | Kaffepause |
15.30-16.00 | Oplæg: Ny platform for forsknings- og forsvarssamarbejde, Direktør Lars Bo Larsen Nationalt Forsvarsteknologisk Center |
16.00-16.30 |
Debat |
Spor 2: Miljø
Moderator: Charlotte Fischer
14.00-14.30 | Oplæg: Hvordan sikres miljøet ved øget udvikling og aktivitet? Direktør Josephine Nymand Grønlands Naturinstitut |
14.30-15.00 |
Debat: Forskningsstrategier for bæredygtig udvikling |
15.00-15.30 | Kaffepause |
15.30-16.00 | Oplæg: Fremtidens havis, Seniorforsker Henriette Skorup DTU |
16.00-16.30 |
Debat |
Spor 3: Samfund
Moderator: Frank Sejersen
14.00-14.30 | Oplæg: Forestillingen om det mennesketomme Arktis i litteratur og politik, Dekan Bergur Djurhuus Hansen Fróðskaparsetur Føroya |
14.30-15.00 | Debat: Fremstillingen og virkelighedens Arktis Dekan Bergur Djurhuus Hansen Fróðskaparsetur Føroya Lektor Kirsten Thisted Københavns Universitet |
15.00-15.30 | Kaffepause |
15.30-16.00 | Oplæg: Formidling er nøglen til at bygge bro mellem forskning og befolkning i Grønland, v. Nicoline Larsen og Jula Maegaard-Hoffmann, Arctic Hub |
16.00-16.30 | Debat: Forskning og forvaltning i samarbejde med lokale Seniorforsker Jens Fog Jensen Nationalmuseet Seniorforsker Anders Mosbæk AU Lektor Lill Rastad Bjørst AAU |
Tid | Aktivitet |
16.30-17.30 | Reception/ afrunding forhallen | ||
18.00-22.00 | Middag på Nordatlantens Brygge, Strandgade 91 |
March 14. 2024 - in English
Time | Activity |
08.30-09.00 | Arrival | ||
09.00-09.15 |
Introduction by prorector for Resarch David Dreyer Lassen, University of Copenhagen |
09.15-09.25 |
A story of ice |
09.25-09.45 |
Understanding and addressing the changing Arctic for societal resilience, effective defense and robust science, |
09.45-10.15 | Debate: How do we fund Arctic research? Tobias Kjeldgaard Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond, Troels Jørgensen Innovation Found Denmark |
10.15-10.45 | Break |
Track 1: Safety
10.45-11.15 | Pitch: Arctic Surveillance - from Space to Seabed, Senior scientist Henning Heiselberg, DTU |
11.15-11.45 |
Pitch: Increased demand for Arctic sea ice information, Matilde Brandt Kreiner DMI |
11.45-12.30 | Lunch break |
12.30-13.00 | Pitch: Space Weather for Arctic Defence Operations, Senior scientist Jens Olaf Pepke Pedersen DTU |
13.00-13.30 |
Debate |
Track 2: Environment
Moderator: Charlotte Fischer
10.45-11.15 | Pitch: Arctic minerals for the green transition, from research to practice, Professor Anne Merrild Hansen, Aalborg University |
11.15-11.45 | Pitch: Planetary Health in an Arctic Perspective, Professor Christian Sonne |
11.45-12.30 | Lunch break |
12.30-13.00 | Pitch: State of the Cryosphere – measuring changes and consequences, Assistant Professor Anders Anker Bjørk, University of Copenhagen |
13.00-13.30 |
Pitch: Mapping the history of the Greenland ice sheet, Anders Svensson Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen |
Track 3: Society
Moderator: Carina Ren
10.45-11.15 | Pitch: Building a nation in the classroom: Exploring Greenlandic national identity in the making, Professor Benedikte Brinker University of Copenhagen / Ilisimatusarfik |
11.15-11.45 |
Pitch: Room for maneuvre for the Nordic autonomous regions within international relations, Professor Maria Ackrén, Ilisimatusarfik |
11.45-12.30 | Lunch break |
12.30-13.00 | Pitch: Justice in Arctic Research, Miriam Cullen programme manager the Danish Institute for Human rights/University of Copenhagen |
13.00-13.30 | Debate: Justice in Arctic Research Miriam Cullen Danish Institute for Human rights/University of Copenhagen Parnuna Egede Dahl, Oceans North Kalaallit Nunaat |
13.30-13.45 |
Break |
Key note |
13.45-14.15 |
Professor Kathrine Richardson University of Copenhagen, |
14.15-14.20 |
Good bye |