FoodDay 2025: A Plant-Based Revolution in the EU

Discover the Latest Research and Insights on Plant-Based Foods at FoodDay – A Precursor to Denmark’s EU Presidency.

UCPH SCIENCE invites you to FoodDay, where cutting-edge knowledge on plant-based foods takes the center stage in preparation for Denmark’s EU Presidency.

With the new Common Agricultural Policy, the EU Biotech Act 2025, and the Nature Restoration Law, the opportunities to transform towards a fair, healthy, and sustainable food system are vast. What role will biosolutions and New Genomic Techniques (NGTs) play in securing both European and global food supplies?

Join us as FoodDay once again brings together the entire plant-based food value chain. This year, we spotlight how research and innovation can help position the EU as frontrunners in the plant-based food revolution.

Participation is free of charge.


Morning Programme

09:00-10:00: Arrival and Registration
Light breakfast and coffee.

10:00-12:00: Plenary Session
Panel discussions and presentations from leading researchers, stakeholders, experts, and policymakers in the plant-based transition.

  • Welcome by Bo Jellesmark Thorsen, Dean

  • Facilitated conversation between Marie-Louise Boisen Lendal, Director, Think Tank Frej and Peter Nyegaard Nissen, Sector Director, Plants, Danish Agriculture & Food Council 

  • The Science of EU Agri-Food Policies
    Transforming EU’s Food System, Christian Bugge Henriksen, Depart. of Plant and Environmental Science, UCPH
    Trends in Food Consumption, Lotte Holm, Depart. of Food and Resource Economics, UCPH
    A Boom of Biosolutions, Remko Boom, Depart. of Food Science, UCPH and University of Wageningen

  • The Politics of EU Agri-Food Policies
    Panel discussion with Member of Danish Parliament Ida Auken, Rasmus Prehn, CEO Organic Denmark and Former Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries of Denmark and Member of Danish Parliament Erling Bonnesen.

Moderator: Lykke Friis, Director,

12:00-12:45 Lunch
Delicious plant-based food and drinks.

Afternoon Programme 

12:45-14:15: Breakout Sessions (see topics for sessions below)
Choose one of five exciting breakout sessions that delve into different aspects of the plant-based transition.


For more than two decades, there have been sustained efforts in the EU to green the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) but with limited results. This session addresses the reasons behind the inertia in the CAP, exemplified by the watering down of the Farm-to-Fork strategy. It critically evaluates Danish biodiversity policy initiatives under the CAP and discusses how effective climate measures can be linked to CAP. Finally, the session introduces urban food policy and discusses its potential to promote more sustainable food consumption. 

Professor Carsten Daugbjerg, Depart. of Food and Resource Economics, UCPH
Project Manager Simone Højte, CONCITO
Professor Alan Matthews, Trinity College Dublin
Assistant Professor Giulia Bazzan, Tilburg University, NL

Moderator: Professor Wusheng Yu, Depart. of Food and Resource Economics, UCPH



The term "ultra-processed foods" often sparks strong opinions and controversy. In this session, we bring together experts to explore the complex relationship between food processing and human health from multiple perspectives. We’ll uncover insights to pave the way toward more informed choices and healthier food systems for the future.


Susanne Bugel, Professor, Head of Section, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, UCPH: Decoding Ultra-Processed Foods: What Are They Really?

Lilia Ahrné, Professor, Ingredient and Dairy Technology, Department of Food Science, UCPH: Food Processing Uncovered: What Happens to Our Food?

Anja Olsen, Professor, The Danish Cancer Society:
Ultra-Processed Foods and Health: What does Science Tells Us?

Ciarán Forde, Professor, Sensory Science and Eating Behavior, Wageningen University and Research: Is there evidence of a unique effect of Ultra-Processed Foods on Eating Behaviour, Satiety or Metabolic Health?

Moderator and co-moderator:

Inge Tetens, Professor & Beatriz Philippi Rosane, PhD Fellow,, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, UCPH



What is Biosolutions, what is the potential and what are the challenges hereunder need for new regulations. Is the coming EU Biotech Act 2025 the answer? Or the Bioeconomy Strategy? Anna Haldrup, Head of Depart. of Food Science, UCPH, will give an introduction to what is Biosolutions. Anne Lerche, Head of Biosolutions, Alliance for Biosolution will tell about the Climate Act as a lever for Biosolution sector, Professor Barbara Halkier, Depart. of Depart. of Plant and Environmental Sciences, UCPH, will give the perspective from a scientist working with novel food, and Sofie Carsten Nielsen, Director, European Biosolutions Coalition, will give her perspective on the future for biosolutions in the EU.
Moderator: Serafim Bakalis, Depart. of Food Science, UCPH



The session will focus on exploring how Denmark can use the upcoming presidency from July to December 2025 to advance the development of a European Action Plan for Plant-based Foods. More specifically, the session will take departure in the recommendation to develop such an action plan specified in the final report from the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture, and the commitment of the parties behind the Green Tripartite agreement that Denmark should work actively for the development of this action plan based inspired by the Danish Action Plan for Plant-based Food.

Panel participants

  • Ida Auken, Member of the Danish Parliament for the Social Democratic Party, Spokeswoman for Agriculture and Green Transition
  • Anders Martin Klöcker, Innovation Director, Danish Agriculture & Food Council
  • Irina Popescu, Food Policy Officer, European Consumer Organization BEUC
  • Luis Vivas-Alegre, Head of Sector Research and Innovation, DG AGRI
  • Marie-Louise Boisen Lendal, CEO, Think Tank Frej
  • Randi Wahlsteen, CEO, MATR Foods
  • Rune-Christoffer Dragsdahl, General Secretary, Danish Vegetarian Association
  • Anna Karolina Jönsson, Food Strategy Lead, Municipality of Copenhagen
  • Anders Højland, Development Director, Fonden Arkaia

Christian Bugge Henriksen, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, UCPH
Jørgen Dejgård Jensen, Department of Food and Resource Economics, UCPH



The session will focus on how to make Danish agriculture more sustainable with diversified farming practices. Specifically, we will discuss the challenges and possibilities for young Danish farmers related to transitioning to more diversified practices.

Laura Vang Rasmussen, Depart. of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, UCPH
Mathias Pedersen, Heinemosegaard (Bælgkompaniet)
Johannes Carlsen & Thomas Ryan, Andelsgaarde
Ole Green, Benfarm Økobær

Laura Vang Rasmussen, Depart. of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, UCPH  and Stine Kramer Jacobsen, Depart. of Plant and Environmental Science